
Thursday 22 May 2014

Detect Pulse & Breathing using Surveillance Images?

Now you can reveal previously hidden motions, such as a baby's breathing, a construction crane swaying and blood pulsing through arteries in a human wrist. The Eulerian Video Magnification by MIT able to amplifies changes in successive frames of video that are too subtle for the naked eye.

Thursday 1 May 2014

FPGA Doing My Google Search?

Figure 1. The data center is a huge, unfamiliar world for hardware accelerators. Photo by Connie Zhou (from Google)
Do Hardware Accelerators Have a Role in Data Centers?
Heterogeneous computing is coming to a cloud near you, and that could be a good thing.

Spiraling computing needs are drawing hardware accelerators, including FPGAs, into heterogeneous computing configurations in data centers. But when the new hardware comes in, it finds a very unfamiliar environment. The result could be change that benefits everyone.