
Wednesday 25 March 2015

Talk on Approximate Computing & Its Research Potential

Knowledge Sharing Session

Date/Day : 26 March 2015/Thursday
Time       : 12.00 noon until 2.00 p.m
Venue     : The Cubes, Block A, Faculty of Computer Science & IT, University of Malaya
Speaker  :  Dr. Rehan Hafiz

Approximate Computing & Its Research Potential

Power & energy is increasingly a first-order concern in computer systems. Approximate computing is an emerging computing paradigm that exploits energy-accuracy trade-offs. This talk shall discuss the various levels at which approximate computing is being explored. There are a number of challenges however when designing reliable systems based upon approximate computing. These include: Isolating & identifying parts of a program that must be precise, defining the correct matrices for accuracy and exploiting the application domain for error resilience.


Dr. Rehan Hafiz is an Assistant Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Department of Electrical Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
NUST Campus H-12, Islamabad

Research Interest:

My research revolves around algorithm development and their digital implementations. Some of my research projects can be broadly classified as:

  • Computer Vision / Digital Image / Video / Signal Processing
  • Video Mosaics, Image registration, Video Surveillance
  • Immersive Environments & Interactivity
  • FPGA based system design
  • Digital balanced detection for multichannel optical tomography
  • VHDL system development for real time Image registration
  • Algorithm development
  • Game simulation for battlefield simulation
  • Analysis of equation generation for GSM A5/2 encryption
  • Real time noise suppression algorithm for Laser based spectroscopic and Tomographic application

Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Digital System Design

Saturday 21 March 2015

Mobile Application Competition (MyAppsTEC 2015)


Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya is proudly organizing the Mobile Applications Development Competition challenge, co-supported by AppAsia Sdn Bhd. The competition serves as a platform that allows young talents from schools, colleges and universities in Malaysia to exhibit their creativity and innovative ideas in developing mobile applications.

Participants have the chance to win cash prizes and medals.  This competition is open to all students from schools and higher education institutions, as follows:

- Category A : School/Polytechnic/Matriculation/IPTA/IPTS – Idea Generation of Mobile Application (Fee: RM100)

- Category B :  School/Polytechnic/Matriculation – Mobile Application (Fee: RM200)

- Category C : IPTA/IPTS – Mobile Application (Fee: RM200)

If you or your students have ideas and skills that needs exposure, MyAppsTEC is the right platform to exhibit your innovation. Important dates are as follows:

Registration of products/ideas: 17th February 2015 to 15th April 2015

Competition Day: 9th May 2015

The event will be held at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT),

University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

For more information, email us at: or visit our Facebook at or website at URL:  .

Thank you.