
Tuesday 28 July 2015

GPU Developer Conference, Singapore 27th August 2015

GPU Technology Conference (GTC) is the largest and most important event of the year for GPU developers and the entire ecosystem.This year, the GTC Asia South highlights the growing revolution in deep learning, and how technology enables growing number of Smart Cities around the world.


  • Smart City
  • Deep Learning & AI
  • High Performance Computing & Accelerated Science

To learn more about agenda and speakers, please visit GTC Asia South website.

DATE: August 27, 2015
VENUE: Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre

Sunday 26 July 2015

ARM mbed Microcontroller IOT Device Platform Tutorial

ARM is eyeing on building new operating system, software components, tools and ecosystem that will make creation and deployment of commercial, standards-based Internet of Things devices is possible at scale. The ARM® mbed™ IoT Device Platform has been introduced to make this vision a reality. The design principles of this ARM based platform focus on connectivity, efficiency, security and productivity. For this reason, mbed OS, mbed Device Server and mbed Tools were built. To have insight of this platform, below are video tutorials on mbed microcontroller by Bme Builds: