
Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Internet of Things New Direction

The IoT is advancing and beginning to visualize a very different world. System architects think that it could change change Things, data centers, and even the Internet. The sensor selection can be one thing to watch since a single camera may be able to collect more data, more reliably, than a swarm of simple sensors. If camera is chosen, should we move the raw data up to the cloud for analysis? Or do they design-in substantial computing power close to the sensors? If your algorithm is highly intolerant of latency, you have no choice but to rely on local computing by having hardware accelerators such as GPU, FPGA, or Xeon-Phi chips. But if you can tolerate some latency between sensor input and system response, the question becomes how much, and with how much variation. Here, the limitations of the Internet will become an issue.

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